North East ISD Welcome Center
We are so glad you are considering NEISD as your school district! Whether you’re a prospective new family or have already completed the registration process, we hope you’ll explore the New to North East section of our website to learn more about everything NEISD has to offer your family.

Refugee School Impact Program Program
The Refugee Impact program’s mission is to build bridges of hope and support for refugee and asylee families. We’re not just an program—we’re a community dedicated to fostering an encouraging and nurturing environment. Here, every family thrives, fueled by continuous support and the opportunity for high levels of learning and growth.

Registration Support
We help refugee and asylum-seeking families with children transition to school so that every family feels like they belong to NEISD.

Academic Support
Our staff assists students in obtaining appropriate in-class accommodations tailored to their individual needs.

Community Partnership
Welcome Center actively collaborates with local organizations to provide easily accessible community-based learning opportunities to students.

Supporting Services
Our teams are here to support your journey and help your child thrive.
District Partners
Preschool Assessment Center
Early Childhood Special Education is for eligible students, 3-5 years old, who have been determined by the ARD/IEP committee to require early academic intervention.
If you suspect that your child may have a disability, such as speech, autism, an intellectual disability, or any other type of disability, please contact the Preschool Assessment Center at 210-407-1845 for more information. Additional information is also available from the Special Education department.

NETS Transition Services
NETS transition services are for students with disabilities ages 18-21 who reside in NEISD and have a current Individual Education Plan (IEP), have completed their high school program, and are seeking support in skills necessary for adult life.
If high school graduation requirements have been completed, students may participate in high school graduation ceremonies and receive a certificate of accomplishment. The student’s diploma is presented when the student completes all NEISD services.
School-Age Parenting Program
The NEISD School-Age Parenting Program is committed to encourage NEISD pregnant and parenting students through education and support, to become self-sufficient, responsible, and productive citizens. In addition, the School-Age Parenting Program is designed to help students achieve academically and work toward graduation, to access community resources, assist in career readiness and/or job training, to become knowledgeable in child development and enhance positive parenting skills, and to become productive citizens.
McKinney-Vento Project
The NEISD McKinney-Vento Project is committed to ensuring that all NEISD children and youth in homeless situations have the opportunity to attend, enroll in, and succeed in school. During the 2022-23 school year, the NEISD McKinney-Vento Project identified and provided services for 1,153 students. San Antonio is the ninth largest city in the country with a poverty level that has nearly doubled that of families across the country at 18.7%. Six shelters provide emergency and transitional housing for homeless families. Only one of those transitional shelters resides in the North East ISD attendance area. The average homeless family in San Antonio is made up of 3.29 people, and estimated 249 families are homeless every day in the city, including 520 children.
Family Engagement
Family Specialists are located at 61 of the NEISD campuses to provide support and services for all students and their families, creating a true connection between home, school, and community.
Family Engagement creates and sustains partnerships with students, families, and the community to ensure high levels of learning for all.

Refugee School Impact Program
We assist refugee and asylee students and their families in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to excel academically and socially. By embracing cultural and linguistic diversity, we empower new students and community members. Through our specialized instructional approaches, assessment testing, registration support, translation services, community partnerships, and adult learning opportunities, we set students and the community up for success. Visit the Welcome Center at NEISD to experience the impact of our academic support and cultural acceptance.